Feature Article on our Beach Home:
As I have discussed in earlier posts, I am an artist who is a self-diagnosed sufferer of obsessive compulsive decorating disorder. Consistently arranging and rearranging furniture, paintings, accessories, husband, children....whatever.
And since I can't keep my hands away from the paintbrush for too long, things that are stationary tend to get painted. Therefore you can imagine my excitement when Vicki Dvorak from Simply Hue - Your source for color inspiration, contacted me to see if she could feature our home on her blog site.
Holy Toledo Bat Man ~ a real excuse to redecorate and rearrange! The heavens in all their decorated glory have smiled on me. Time to get to work...
Since the master bathroom vanity and mirror had already been painted. As well as
the tile work and sink (images inspired by the amazing illustrations of artist Michael Hague)
I had to add a little paint to the wall in my daughters bedroom!
I told my son, who is at college, the article makes our house look so good we should have no problem renting out his room. :) Any takers???
If you have a moment, please visit her Vicki"s blog, Simply Hue. Her site is beautiful and it is a true honor to be featured there.
: http://matissecolor.blogspot.com/2009/04/colorful-beach-bungalow.html