This is a long story...
so grab a cup of tea, sit back, relax and enjoy.
My cousin, Nancy and I, although we vary in age by four years and lived
hours away from each other, were the best of buddies growing up. I always looked forward to my family's semi-annual trips up north, so Nancy and I could reconnect and she could share her worldly wisdom with me. Oh, the memories I have of our times together.
I remember hearing all about her new boyfriend, Ken, and year's later standing at the front of the altar ~ in my light blue bride's maids dress ~ as they exchanged their wedding vows.
Eventually ~ family, school, jobs, and distance made it difficult to maintain our youthful exuberant relationship. Although whenever we talk, the energy, laughter and memories come bubbling back to the surface.
Recently, Nancy, Ken and their beautiful children - um...young adult children (Yikes) traveled south for the day, and we were able to spend some time together on the beach - reconnecting and catching up. Later that same week, Ken e-mailed me asking if I would mind painting a portrait of their children as a surprise birthday gift for Nancy. :) I guess you can imagine my response! What an unexpected honor!

The Original Photograph of their children in front of the Brooklyn Bridge.
I love the composition, the colors, and of course,
the children - are they not gorgeous!

To create this hand painted photo on canvas,
I had the original photograph enlarged ~ in black and white ~
to fit an 18" x 24" canvas board. I hand painted the children
with acrylic paint ~ cut them out ~ hand painted the New York Scene ~
adhered the figures to the background ~

added additional paint to both the figures and the background ~
added more paint to the figures and background ~ signed the front ~
and painted on a gloss varnish to seal and protect the painting.
Ken came by today to pick up the finished piece. We were both so excited, and couldn't wait until Sunday ~ Nancy's birthday ~ the day he was giving her our gift.
Well, this evening I received a phone call, and noticed on our caller I.D. the call was coming from their home. Oh no.....what happened....did the canvas bend....did the rain ruin the painting....did the varnish stick....oh crumb I'm afraid to answer the phone!
It's Nancy!! Laughing and thanking me at the same time. :)
Ken was too excited to wait until Sunday ~
and I was too excited not to share this story and painting.