Thursday, September 29, 2011

Wedding Portrait Painting

I have become somewhat fixated lately with painting romanticized Polaroid snapshots.  Perhaps it has to do with the sense of nostalgia one feels when seeing a Polaroid picture.  I know I used to love playing with my Polaroid camera. The instant gratification received and the cool look of the images was priceless.   These dreamy childhood memories are now sparking my creativity ~ the latest of which is painted portraits.

Inspiration for my first portrait painting came from a "Save the date" engagement picture.  The bride is our good friends daughter, therefore we are quite fond of this cute couple.
I wanted to create a keepsake for the bride and groom to commemorate their special occasion, and thought a Polaroid painting would be perfect.

For my process, I taped off a square in the center of a piece of 5x4 inch acid free, cold press paper, then drew their portrait and painted it with acrylics.  After removing the tape I painted the edges white and coated the entire piece with a gloss varnish to seal and  protect my work.
 Although I didn't include their names and wedding date, I think prints from a custom Polaroid painting would make unique "Save the date" cards, or fun thank you cards.

I hope the couple is pleased with the outcome of their painted Polaroid Portrait!

If you'd like to have an image made into a Portrait, visit my shop here.   If you have any ideas for more Polaroid portraits and want to share them with me, please feel free!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

In my Studio

Working on another surf inspired Polaroid painting.

The Inspiration:
 The original photo taken last week shows my husband heading out into the early morning surf.  I love the bright reflection of sunlight off of his arm and surfboard!
The Painting:
The photo inspired painting in process.   I am working with acrylics on a piece of 4 x 5 inch cold press paper in which I taped off a square before painting so the finished work resembles a Polaroid.

A close up view of my work as I try to recreate the reflective quality of sunlight.  Hoping to have this painting finished today and listed in my shop tomorrow.

Please, don't be afraid to leave a friendly critique - on my painting, not my husband :)

Monday, September 26, 2011

Skateboard house

Because some boys never grow up
The PAS House
Francois Perrin of LA-based Air Architecture was asked by former pro skateboarder and founder of Etnies footwear, Pierre-André Senizergues to design and build a fully skateable house.  With the help of Gil Le Bon Delaponte, a long-time skating buddy of Seniergues, a full scale 753 sq. foot prototype dubbed the PAS house was built and put on display this past summer at La Gaite Lyrique in Paris.

"The concept of the house is a ribbon that creates a continuous surface to be skated from the Outside to the Inside. The house is divided into three separate spaces. The first one includes the living room, dining area and kitchen.

The second one includes a bedroom and bathroom and the third one a skateboard practice area.  Each space is skateable as the ground becomes the wall then the ceiling in a continuous surface forming a tube of a 10ft diameter.
 The furniture is also skateable, whether it is integrated in the curve like  the sitting area, the kitchen or the bathroom or just as standing object like the dining table, the kitchen Island or the bed. Closets and drawers could be integrated in the curve too."    The house is now being built at the top of Malibu's Las Flores Canyon and will be furnished with items from the Skate Study House.

What child doesn't grow up dreaming about a house like this - a real life dream just about to come true.  It gives us something to which we can aspire!!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Autumn Surf

 Last week I brought my camera along for an early morning bike ride/surf check with my husband.  Autumn along our coast is delightful, especially when the sun is just peaking up over the horizon and the beach is relatively quiet.  As my husband surfed I was able to capture a couple of nice photos which proved to be inspirational for a new Polaroid painting series.

 The peaceful nature of this man captured my attention as he fished patiently along the shore.  I love the way the early morning sunlight reflected off the water and the fisherman.
After deciding this same spot was as good as any, my husband headed out to join a few surfers already in the water.
 The photo that inspired this painting was too perfect not to paint.  As they look off into the distance for an incoming swell it seems as if they're saluting the sun, or a naval ship that can often be seen along our horizon.
Meanwhile, more surfers peddled along the boardwalk with surfboards in tow, checking out different surf breaks before paddling out themselves.
Other surfers, who were out in the water much earlier, called it a day and headed back home. You have to admit, not a bad way to start the day - whether you're a fisherman, a surfer, or just a girl happy to catch it all on film!

If you'd like more information on these paintings,  please click here

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Love These!

Forever and a day.  2011   Acrylic on Canvas
German painter Nina Nolte was born in 1957 in El Salvador, grew up in Spain and Germany and lives and works now in Dusseldorf, Germany.  Her works manifest a great understanding for the reflection of light, the freeness of spirit in realism, and pure colour.  Her lines are soft and organic, complemented by the natural-colour backgrounds that brighten her figures and bring a simple elegance to her works.
Forgotten Dreams.  2010   Acrylic on Canvas
In the scenes of swimmers and loungers in the pool, the playful flittering of light across a watery surface is juxtaposed with the pockets of shadows and undulating ripples. The vibrant colours and confident gestures of her figures communicate a sense of serenity. One can feel the warm sun beating down from above yet experience the cooling, therapeutic relief of the water.
The song is you.  2010   Acrylic on Canvas
A bird’s eye view gives many of her works a cinematic touch. The close-up angles provide exposure to detail, thus inviting a certain level of intimacy and allowing the observer to make a personal connection.
You must believe in Spring.  Acrylic
You can fine more of Nina's work on her website - Nina Notle

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Wedding Cuff Links

For a surfer

My new collection of surf cuff links, handmade for the surfing groom, groomsmen, father or husband. 

 Autumn Surf Cuff Links
 Two Surfers Cuff Links
 Surfer Cuff Links
Each surfing image is a print of my original surfer Polaroid painting, reproduced onto premium photo paper, mounted on a 7/8 x 7/8 inch glass tile with rounded edges and sealed with a non toxic, non yellowing, non tacky, acid free glass-like finish.   They are a great gift idea for weddings, Christmas, graduation, anniversaries, birthday or any special occasion.  Available in my gift shop

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Surf Polaroid Paintings

My newest art obsession continues as hurricane swell photographs taken last week inspire a few more surf polaroid paintings.
This photo of a surfer contemplating the surf was the inspiration behind my painting titled "Surfers Reflection"
Surfers Reflection
Acrylic on 4 x 5.25 inch cold press paper
The wave in this photograph - the size of which is hardly ever seen around these parts - inspired "Surfers Swell" polaroid painting.
Acrylic on 4 x 5.25 inch cold press paper
And the gorgeous blues and greens in this photo were the motivating factor behind  "Morning Surf" painting.
Morning Surf
Acrylic on 4 x 5.25 inch cold press paper
My obsession continues with yet another Hurricane swell painting in process.  
Wishing you a glorious, creative day as I head off to Richmond to meet my busy son for an early dinner and a little bit of shopping.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Morning Surf Original Paintings

A few more paintings from my Hurricane Swell painting series.
Painted with acrylics onto a 4x5 inch acid free, cold press paper, and made to look like Polaroid pictures ~ Shown along with the photos which inspired them.
 Dawn Surfers
 Surfers Beach
Weather patterns during autumn always bring with them a few days of good surf along the east coast.  I look forward to these beautiful fall days and picture taking opportunities.  
It was 10 years ago, on one of these amazing fall days, that life in America changed forever.  Today we remember, and hold close in our thoughts all those who were closely affected by those horrible attacks.

Friday, September 9, 2011

New Surf Paintings

Inspired by photo's taken during the recent Hurricane swell.
 Painted with acrylics onto 4x5 inch acid free, cold press paper, and made to look like a series of Polaroid pictures.
 Surf Check Polaroid Painting
The surf along the east coast of Virginia is usually not much to talk about, therefore whenever we get a hurricane swell the air hums with excitement. With the recent surge of hurricanes I was able to capture a few good images of local surfers. These images inspired my new collection of Polaroid surf paintings. This of which is the first I've finished and have listed in my shop. Be sure to check back as more paintings will be coming - and hopefully, more good surf!
Have a great weekend.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Morning Surf

Katia is letting herself be known to the surfers here on the coast of Virginia!

A swell morning
  I have a feeling many students were a little bit tardy today!
And perhaps a few business men!

Including my husband!
It's not too often we see surf as good as this ~ so all should be allowed to enjoy this gift from Katia!  Life is short...enjoy!!