Monday, June 29, 2015
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Monday, June 29, 2015
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Sunday, October 20, 2013
Down by the sea
After School Art Enrichment Program
For my first art project of the new Art Enrichment Program at a local Montessori school I had students work with clay to create a collection of handmade pottery fish. During lesson one the children hand cut their fish shapes from a slab of clay. They added eyes, fins, scales and an array of fishy details. I took the clay fish home and kiln fired them to a bisque state. During lesson two, the children painted their artwork with non-toxic glazes. The fish were kiln fired once more and a saw tooth hanger was added to the back.
Preschool Fish
Elementary School Fish
A school of children and fish ready for another exciting year of sharing, creating and learning.
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Sunday, October 20, 2013
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art teacher,
cathie carlson,
kid art,
magic markings art,
pottery fish
Friday, September 27, 2013
New Work
Loving me some VW's
Volkswagen Beetle and Bus brooches
Hand cut from clay, hand drawn, painted with non- toxic glazes and fired in my kiln.
For all VW lovers
Now available in my shop.
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Friday, September 27, 2013
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Sunday, August 11, 2013
Summer Art Camp - Garden Art
Art for the home and garden
Art Camp Projects
For our first art project the artists created a terrarium from a slab of clay. We discussed vessels that can be used and what can grow inside a container. Armed with this information the artists drew, cut out and applied over a slab of rolled out clay a paper terrarium pattern. The boys and girls traced around the shape, cutting through the clay with pencils, to form the foundation of their terrarium design. They assembled rocks, plants, bugs and creatures from left over clay that were then applied to the clay base.
The handmade terrariums were set aside to dry, fired to a bisque ware state in my kiln, painted with lead-free glaze, then fired one last time. To finish off their pottery pieces, a saw tooth hanger was attached to the back.
Bird sculptures were created from clay left over from the artists terrariums. The clay was rolled, pinched and modeled into a variety of bird forms. A hole was made in the bottom of the birds so they could later be attached to a wooden dowel.
A very colorful flock of birds ~ glazed, fired and in flight.
With thoughts of butterfly, rainbow, balloon and princess gardens for the girls and death, grave and zombie gardens for the boys; the artists sketched and painted a bisque garden stake. Afterwards, the stakes were fired in my kiln to a lovely glossy ceramic state - perfect for planting in an outdoor garden or container.
Inspired by Daliah Smith's colorful Peach Painting
Perfectly Peachy - oil - 5x7 inch
To begin their painting on a 16x20 inch canvas, the artists drew three large circles, within these they added three smaller circles, then two curved leaf lines all of which formed the basic shape of the three peaches.
Multiple coats of gold and pink paint were applied to the negative space to create a sense of depth with color, value and texture.
The artists paint palettes contained light pink, dark pink, dark green, light green, gold and white. They used a combination, and multiple layers of these six colors to paint the peaches, leaves and shadows.
The proud artists with their finished masterpieces:
On the last day of art camp everyone takes part in our Friday feast - cracking, pouring, mixing, scooping and finally eating scrumptious cupcakes.
Thanks to my artists for a great week of family fun and creativity!
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Sunday, August 11, 2013
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Friday, August 2, 2013
Summer Art Camp
All Girl Tea Party
Hand drawn shape patterns applied over a slab of rolled out clay and cut out with pencils formed the foundation of the artists cake design. Once the cake shape was created, the girls got all "cake bossy"with the left over clay that was rolled, scored, slipped and squished on top much like fondant icing.
The handmade cakes were set aside to dry then fired to a bisque ware state in my kiln. Afterwards the girls used a pottery pencil and lead-free glaze to add color, shape, line and pattern to their clay art.
The cakes were "cooked" once again in my kiln. To finish off their pottery pieces, a saw tooth hanger was attached to the back.
The artists next pottery project was to produce a teacup design on bisque ware, while keeping in mind the elements and principles of art ~ line, shape, color, pattern and harmony.
Glazed and fired the teacups were ready for our end of the week tea party.
To begin their teacup painting on a 16x20 inch canvas, the artists drew three consecutive circles which formed the basic shapes of a saucer, teacup and tea. Multiple coats of paint were applied to the negative space to create a sense of depth with color, value and texture.
The artist then applied the same painting process to their teacups and saucers. Once finished the girls applied shadows and added a flower to the negative space, then they let me snap a picture of them standing by their paintings -
Feet stepping in as the artistic signature :)
On the last day of art camp everyone takes part in our Friday feast - cracking, pouring, mixing, scooping and finally eating scrumptious cupcakes.
A huge thank you to my lovely art assistant Cabel for your very skillful help this week, and to the rest of my artists for sharing their creativity and joy.
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Friday, August 02, 2013
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