Monday, September 26, 2011

Skateboard house

Because some boys never grow up
The PAS House
Francois Perrin of LA-based Air Architecture was asked by former pro skateboarder and founder of Etnies footwear, Pierre-André Senizergues to design and build a fully skateable house.  With the help of Gil Le Bon Delaponte, a long-time skating buddy of Seniergues, a full scale 753 sq. foot prototype dubbed the PAS house was built and put on display this past summer at La Gaite Lyrique in Paris.

"The concept of the house is a ribbon that creates a continuous surface to be skated from the Outside to the Inside. The house is divided into three separate spaces. The first one includes the living room, dining area and kitchen.

The second one includes a bedroom and bathroom and the third one a skateboard practice area.  Each space is skateable as the ground becomes the wall then the ceiling in a continuous surface forming a tube of a 10ft diameter.
 The furniture is also skateable, whether it is integrated in the curve like  the sitting area, the kitchen or the bathroom or just as standing object like the dining table, the kitchen Island or the bed. Closets and drawers could be integrated in the curve too."    The house is now being built at the top of Malibu's Las Flores Canyon and will be furnished with items from the Skate Study House.

What child doesn't grow up dreaming about a house like this - a real life dream just about to come true.  It gives us something to which we can aspire!!

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