Friday, January 29, 2010

Ladies Night Out - Wine, Women, Art

Offer a group of lively women an evening
away from children, homework, and dishes ~

add a little wine, and a martini or two ~

include hot and cold appetizers, a wee bit of
chocolate, the opportunity to relax ~

then throw in some paints and pottery ~

and it all adds up to an uncorked night of

great conversation, laughter, and perhaps

a few finished pieces of pottery art.

There isn't anything better for recharging the ole
"mommy batteries" then a night out with the girls!


  1. that looks like a blast! glad you all had fun and the pottery looks great, too! must have been the wine ;-)

  2. Mary, multiply the pictures by 10 and that's how much fun we had together - of course it was the wine - well that and the company!
    Thanks for stopping by for a visit!


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