and the weather is getting more conducive to outdoor activities, your thoughts might be turning to long outdoor bike rides. To support this healthy activity I searched the web for the newest and coolest ideas in the two-wheel variety. Here are a few of my favorites.

The Walking Bike
Found here: Technogad
If you can't quite decide whether to bike or run - or if there's a biathlon in your future, this bike is exactly what you'll need.

'Intelligent' bicycle of the future
Found here:
Some interesting features include puncture-proof self-inflating tires, a mini computer that counts calories as the pedals turn, a battery-assisted motor, run by solar panels, that takes over the pedaling after a long day and, to keep you entertained, music accompanies the ride.

Unique Tandem Bike
Found here: Frankenstein via Flicker
There would definitely be no whining from your couch-potato spouse if you surprised them with a long, leisurely cruise around town on this bike!

Hermes Sea Shell Bicycle
Found via Daily Vitamin Sea Blog
I think this is one of my all time favorites.
How I would love to have shell encrusted sculpture parked inside my house!
I hope these images have inspired you to grab your favorite bike and to take a leisurely ride around your area. If you do, and would like to share your photo's - please feel free to post a link in my comment section!
Enjoy your weekend!
I truly have never seen a bike like that before!! Thanks so much for the feature!!!