Put together into a beautiful treasury created by ErinJade
Here are a few of my favorites from her collection ~

Well Rounded Print by Citrus Tree and A Flower For you by Joojoo

Tea Party by Circ's and Fly away ring by BlockPartyPress

Shamantic Love Necklace by Crystal Runway and Vintage Doll by ErinJade

Sunday Stroll by Magicmarkingsart
Thank you ErinJade for putting together this gorgeous selection which can be seen in its entirety
here: Etsy Treasury - Soft and Sweet or, if you are interested in more information on any of the images above, simply click on the image itself.

Well Rounded Print by Citrus Tree and A Flower For you by Joojoo

Tea Party by Circ's and Fly away ring by BlockPartyPress

Shamantic Love Necklace by Crystal Runway and Vintage Doll by ErinJade

Sunday Stroll by Magicmarkingsart
Thank you ErinJade for putting together this gorgeous selection which can be seen in its entirety
here: Etsy Treasury - Soft and Sweet or, if you are interested in more information on any of the images above, simply click on the image itself.
This is such a pretty treasury. I love Joojoo's "A Flower For You".