This week artists created works of art prompted by their knowledge of sea life, animals of the wild and plant life.
As a prompt for our first project we discussed various forms of sea life. Afterwards artists sketched a fishbowl shape on card stock which was cut and placed on top of a slab of clay. With a pencil students traced the pattern cutting through the clay as they went. An assortment of ocean dwelling creatures were built from clay scraps, then scored, slipped and squished to the fishbowl. The fishbowls were set aside to dry then fired in my kiln.
During our next class the artists painted their fishbowls with pottery glaze and their artwork was fired once again.
The fishbowls in their finished state look absolutely adorable.
The artist's bisque garden markers sketched, painted, fired in my kiln and ready for a garden.
We began this project with a discussion of animals in the wild and the whimsical artwork of Eli Halpin. This was followed by the artists sketching an animal of their choice onto a 16x20 inch canvas, using the rules of three to create an interesting composition.
In order to create visual interest, at least three layers of color were applied to the negative space of the background. The artists chose two complimentary colors and painted them in layers on their animals. Rosy cheeks and decorative accents finished off their whimsical paintings.
A round of thanks to Eli Halpin for providing artistic inspiration for this painting project!
Wooden boxes were drawn on and painted creating a fun little piece of work in which to store various treasures.
On the last day of art camp everyone takes part in our Friday feast - cracking, pouring, mixing, scooping and finally eating cupcakes. A delicious end to another wonderful week of art.
Two little girls celebrate summer with an artful tea party
The artists at work creating a plate from a slab of rolled out clay placed on top of paper plates then pressed into shape with water wet fingers.
The girls used cookie cutters to cut out a cupcake and crown from leftover clay scraps. The two shapes were attached to the plate by a process of slipping and scoring.
Once joined the plates were set aside to dry before getting fired in my kiln.
The first firing removed all water from the clay producing a white bisque plate upon which the girls drew and painted their designs with lead-free, non-toxic pottery glaze. The plates were fired once again.
Glazed and fired handmade pottery plates and hand painted tea cups.
Onto a 16x20 inch canvas the artists formed a tea cup outline by sketching three concentric circles, a very
simplistic design perfect for painting. A color, pink of course,
was chosen for the background.
Once the background was finished, texture, depth and interest were created in the negative space through the addition of a lighter paint color. This same process was used to paint the concentric circles of the saucer and tea cup design.
A curved line was drawn around the plate; to this line leaves and a few simple circles were added for rose buds. Once again paint was layered to create interest and depth.
Tea Cup with Flower - 16x20 inch acrylic
Our last two projects were a painted wooden treasure box and a cloth dinner napkin. Both painted with acrylic paint.
And week four of summer art camp comes to a close with happy faces and very delighted tummies.
This week my little artists took a little "trip to the beach" to find inspiration for their artistic activities.
Jellyfish mobile
For our jellyfish mobile, the artists painted a heavy duty paper bowl in cool colors of blue, green and purple because cool colors remind us of water. Paint was added to both the inner and outer sides of the bowl.
Once dry enough to handle I punched 2 holes in the center of the bowl, threaded a ribbon through the holes and tied it together to form a ring. Strips of fabric were hot glued to the inner part of the bowl to construct jellyfish tentacles. So simple and oh so pretty.
Hand painted pottery sand pail
A trip to the beach is not complete without a sand bucket. To add a bit of class to ours the artists sketched and painted a bisque pottery pail which, once finished, was fired in my kiln.
Gorgeous enough to hold hydrangea flowers freshly picked from the garden.
Surfer on beach painting
A surfing artist is a happy artist so to keep this little bunch in good spirits a surfing self portrait was mandatory. The artists divided their 16x20 inch canvas into three sections. The bottom was painted yellow for sand, the middle turquoise for water, the top portion light blue for sky then wavy white lines were painted on top of the turquoise water for waves.
Afterwards I led the artists step by step through a simple shape drawing process for their portrait body and surfboard. The artists outlined their pencil lines with a thick black sharpie then carefully painted their composition with acrylic paint.
Watercolor sea scene
And thus ends another week of awesome art and satisfied surfers.